Which type of appointment should I book?

If this is your first time seeing Dr Bonnie and the appointment is for an adult (e.g. family planning, pregnancy care, postnatal concerns), please select Adult Initial Consultation 40 minutes. If you have fertility concerns and have been trying for over 6 months, it is recommended that an Adult Initial Consultation is made for both partners. Dr Bonnie may not require the full 80 minutes and fees will be adjusted accordingly.

If this is your first time seeing Dr Bonnie and the appointment is for a baby health concern, please select Baby Health Initial Consultation 30 minutes. You will see our nurse first to have baby’s measurements taken.

If this is your first time seeing Dr Bonnie for mum and baby’s 7 day or 6 week check, or if you would like help with breastfeeding or infant settling , please select Infant Feeding/Sleep Initial Consultation 60 minutes and book under mum’s name. When you arrive at the clinic, another file will be created for baby and you will see our nurse first to have baby’s measurements taken.

For follow up consultations, please select the appropriate duration (15 or 30 minutes). For childhood immunisations, please select the Childhood Immunisations option.

If you have any further questions, please call and speak to our friendly receptionists.

What is your approach to infant crying and sleep issues?

Dr Bonnie practices from the approach of Neuroprotective Developmental Care, previously known as “Possums.” She is an advocate for gentle, responsive strategies that are most supported by research and that best support the physical, emotional and social wellbeing of parents, babies and families. She will listen to your concerns, values and priorities for your family, offer flexible, sustainable suggestions and collaborate with you to create solutions that work for your situation and lifestyle.

What are your fees?

Dr Bonnie charges a private fee and a Medicare rebate is available for eligible patients. Medicare rebates may be higher once the safety net is reached. Her fee schedule can be found here.

Please notify reception of any cancellation at least 24 hours prior to your appointment so that it may be offered to other families. Late cancellations or no-shows incur a $50 fee for 15 minute appointments and a $100 fee for longer appointments. We appreciate your cooperation to facilitate timely access to appointments.

What do I need to bring to my appointment?

Please bring the following items to your appointment where relevant:

  • baby’s Personal Health Record (red book)

  • any equipment you require to feed you baby (e.g. bottles, formula, nipple shield)

  • Pregnancy Health Record

  • investigation results (e.g. blood tests, ultrasound reports)

  • hospital discharge summaries and relevant letters from other healthcare practitioners

Please be prepared to feed your baby during the consultation.

Do you provide telephone consultations?

Following an initial face to face consultation, Dr Bonnie provides telephone consultations for follow ups where clinically appropriate and safe to do so. We recommend that you register with myMedicare and nominate Dr Bonnie Ong at Holmead Road Medical as your preferred provider in order to access Medicare rebates for telephone consultations.

Do you insert contraceptive devices?

Dr Bonnie inserts and removes Implanon. She removes IUDs but does not insert them at this stage. She does not provide diaphragm fittings.

Will you deliver my baby?

No. Dr Bonnie is a general practitioner specialising in perinatal health, not an obstetrician. She provides clinic-based care before, during and after your pregnancy. In the GP Shared Antenatal Care model, you will see Dr Bonnie in her clinic for most of your appointments, and the midwives and/or obstetrician or obstetric registrar for the rest of your appointments at your nominated hospital. Mothers may prefer this model as you see the same doctor throughout your pregnancy and it can be more convenient not attending hospitals for all your appointments with the associated wait times and car parking. A midwife will be at your delivery, and potentially an obstetric registrar or obstetrician. This model is suitable for low risk pregnancies. If Dr Bonnie diagnoses a higher risk pregnancy, she may refer you for obstetrician-led care.